How to Groom Your Doodle

How to Groom Your Doodle

 Want your Doodle to have that stylin’ show coat and not spend a ton at the groomer?

Labradoodles are reputed to be “low maintenance”. It means they don’t shed at all or very little, they don’t leave behind oily residue on your hands when you pet them, and they don’t have doggie smell!  However, their coat does need maintenance; regular brushing is important for your doodle.  How often this happens depends on the type of coat your doodle has. For information on coat types, check out our website under FAQ.

Regular correct brushing will prevent mats. Keep in mind, the most expensive part of going to the groomer is the time they have to spend getting your doodle’s coat brushed out.

The most common mistake made when brushing a doodle is to brush over the top and not get to the base of the coat near the skin. A lot of owners are surprised and even disbelieving to hear their doodles are matted regardless of their daily brushing.

How to brush out your doodle’s coat!

The Slicker Brush  is a great tool to get down to skin level.  Start on a section of the fur and move systematically so that you cover every part of the coat. Be extra gentle on the legs, under the belly, and the arm pits. Lift the coat in the opposite direction it grows and hold it out of the way with one hand, so that you can see the under coat. Starting at the base of the coat near the skin, brush small sections of the hair back down until it’s brushed through. Follow up with a comb to check your work, if your comb won’t get through there is more work to do. Make sure to brush every square inch of your dogs body in this manner.  Note- Doodles go through a coat change between 10 and 14 months of age. Daily brushing is especially important during this time to remove the puppy coat and prevent matting as the adult coat grows in.

Next week’s blog – Mat busters!

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